Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Oh the JOYS of Pregnancy!

So this last Wed. I went to the hospital in excruciating pain. Come to find out, I have Gall Stones and will now need to have my Gall Bladder removed. However, My Dr. thinks it wise to wait till I am at least 37 weeks to even attempt to get it removed. I am 32 weeks now and I have been watching what food I eat. I have switched to fat free most everything and I am staying away from high fatty foods as well as fried food. Plus side is I lost 4 lbs. in the last week. Minus side is I can no longer eat anything that I crave. (Except Yogurt.) Also a negative is that I can have that same pain anytime I eat the wrong thing. Like tonight, I was eating some tortilla chips with the boys and all of a sudden I am doubled over in pain. This time it only lasted for an hour, thank goodness. the first time it happened the pain lasted for about 3 hours. My Dr. gave me a prescription for Lortab but I cant pick it up till tomorrow. I basically have to hope that I don't have too many more episodes in the next 5 weeks or hope that my gall bladder doesn't decide to go septic on me. That would require emergency surgery and that can put me at risk of going into pre-term labor. I think that I am going to try and be optimistic about this and do my best to keep healthy. I mean heck, whats 5 weeks on a no/low fat diet going to do but help me eat better and maybe continue to loose some weight. Wish me luck!!!


KAT said...

Ah man, that bites! I am sorry! My good friend just went through this exact same thing while she was pregnant. She was able to hold off on surgery until a couple weeks ago (her baby is now 4 months).
Hang in there! Soon it will be done.

Christy said...

SO when is that little boy making his appearance?

Jeremy said...

It was fun to catch up on reading your blog! Can't wait to see more pictures. Hope everything is going good. Love ya! Hillary